Privacy Policy

Policy and Disclaimer

We believe that compassion and consideration is of utmost importance.

PsycHealth, Ltd. understands that all proprietary and protected health information (PHI) is confidential. PsycHealth agrees to follow all policies and procedures governing the confidentiality and security of PHI in any form, including oral, fax, photographic, written, or electronic.

PsycHealth will not access, release, or share PHI, except as necessary and as allowed by law. PsycHealth agrees to use all reasonable means to protect the security of PHI, and to prevent it from being accessed or released, except as permitted by law.

All employees of PsycHealth agree to report unauthorized use or disclosure of PHI, or security issues affecting systems that contain or give access to PHI. All employees understand that if PHI is not kept confidential or if there is a case of inappropriate disclosure or access to PHI, employees are subject to immediate disciplinary or corrective action, up to and including dismissal or loss of access to such information and/or termination of employment. Unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of PHI may also violate federal and state law, and may result in criminal and civil penalties.

PsycHealth does not automatically collect personally identifiable information about web site visitors. At this time, PsycHealth does not use cookies and web bugs on this site to collect any personal information. If this changes, this policy statement will be updated to disclose how Psychealth uses cookies or web bugs and for what purpose.

PsycHealth uses email lists assembled from people who have requested additional information about PsycHealth services. Additionally, email lists are used that are comprised of people who have requested additional information about services similar to those PsycHealth provides.

PsycHealth does not sell, rent or share email lists with any other third parties. PsycHealth does not link email lists to any other databases. PsycHealth does not store emails or individual information on the web server. If a website visitor is currently on the email list and wishes to be removed, they should send an email to ([email protected]).

The PsycHealth website is not directed to children under age 18.

If you would like to receive information regarding PsycHealth services or publications, you should send us an email to [email protected].

If you would like to request your protected health information send us an email to [email protected].